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Why Explain Antisemitism?

Having a blog addressing antisemitism is important for raising awareness and combating prejudice. It serves as an educational platform, dispelling misconceptions and promoting understanding. Providing links to resources about antisemitism helps readers gain a comprehensive understanding of this issue and encourages them to take informed action against discrimination and hatred.

International Psychoanalytic Study Group on Antisemitism

On this Yom HaShoah, we remember the millions of lives lost during the genocide of the Jewish people.

Sunday, September 08 2024

Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism

The atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023 plunged the world into a frenzy of antisemitism and extremism. Today, The Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism took out full page ad in the National Post to deliver a strong message.

L’Europe contre l’antisémitisme

Soirée de mobilisation organisée par la revue La Règle du Jeu, le 3 juin 2024, au Théâtre Antoine.

“The Perilous Campus Scene: Encampment versus Enlightenment” – Cary Nelson

Cary Nelson is Jubilee Professor of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Professor of English Emeritus at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana. He is the author or editor of 36 books, including six about antisemitism. Hate Speech and Academic Freedom: The Antisemitic Assault on Basic Principles was published this April. He was president of the national AAUP from 2006-2012.

Thoughts for the Times on Anti-Semitism: Shmuel Erlich and Mira Erlich-Ginor

Antisemitism has been part of Judeo-Chrisitan-Islamic culture for centuries, taking various forms and expressions. After its most horrendous and destructive outburst in the 20th-century Holocaust, it gave rise to the collective determination: “Never Again!” Yet recent and current genocidal outcries against Israel and the Jews testify to the enduring power and relentlessness of antisemitism.

Paris today – desecration of the wall of the Righteous in the Shoah Memorial

On the night of Monday to Tuesday, the Wall of the Righteous, located at the Shoah Memorial in the 4th arrondissement of Paris, was tagged with red hands. This despicable anti-Semitic act refers to the lynching, immortalized by a photograph that has remained famous, showing a Palestinian, brandishing his bloodied hands following the lynching of two Israeli soldiers murdered and dismembered on October 12, 2000, in Ramallah, by a group of Palestinians.

Human Rights Watch: Destructive Agenda, Token Balance

The incomprehensible brutality of the 7 October Hamas pogrom launched a full scale war, both on the battlefield and in the parallel realm of soft-power and propaganda. Following the pattern developed over the past 20 years, the claimants to expertise and moral authority focused and continue to focus primarily on delegitimising the Israeli military response and preventing the defeat of Hamas.

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Amnesty International, Israel and Race-Baiting

Cary Nelson argues that Amnesty International’s report, by reducing a complex, political, national question involving two victim peoples to a simplistic morality play about ‘racism’ distorts the origins of the conflict and makes a balanced and prudential approach to its resolution impossible. Amnesty, he says, are race-baiting. And by indicting Judaism itself as a racist supremacism, the organization has crossed a line into antisemitism.

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Celebrating Terror – new research indicates a radicalisation of antisemitic discourse about Israel online in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks

Matthew Bolton, of the Centre for Research on Antisemitism at Berlin‘s Technische Universität introduces the centre’s Decoding Antisemitism project’s latest research on online antisemitism in the wake of the October 7th pogrom. ‘The results were striking,’ he finds, and ‘suggest a significant radicalisation of online discourse about Israel, Israelis and Jews’.

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These anti-Semitic acts that plague France

Since October 7, “857 anti-Semitic acts” have been recorded in France, according to the Minister of the Interior. This is double the number of incidents recorded for the whole of 2022.

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The October Declaration

A Declaration that unequivocally condemns all acts of terrorism against civilians in Israel and especially the massacre on 7 October 2023,  as well as the antisemitic attacks in London, and which is being signed by many.

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